(Paul is a student of yoga since 1978 & teaching full-time for past 24 years)
Ashtanga Vinyasa Krama (BNS Iyengar, Mysore), Iyengar Yoga, Pranayama, Mudra, Meditation and Vedic Chanting (KYM, Chennai)
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Paul shares his knowledge of the traditional aspects of Yoga. After decades of study with his teachers from India and Tibet he has received blessings and certifications to teach what he has learned.
Teachings which are classical, philosophical and therapeutic. Know how to apply these teachings, for oneself and for others.
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In 2025 there will be two opportunities to immerse oneself in a Yoga Retreat in a beautiful quiet area of Greece. See the main menu above.
The teachings with be very varied and cover such topics as , asana, pranayama , mudra and meditation. Paul always includes a number of seldom taught (if ever) practices to help in this exploration of Yoga.
This book which covers cetain key aspects of the traditional practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga has been completed now for a couple of years. Paul is now working with an illustator and designer to finally bring the book to publication.
"There are two main reasons for writing this book. One is that I have been dismayed by the misunderstandings regarding Ashtanga Yoga over the years and would like to gently correct some of these. But more importantly I felt that I should present (and preserve) some interesting and not generally known aspects of this practice which I have received directly from my teacher Sri BNS Iyengar of Mysore. He was a direct student of Sri T. Krishnmacharya".
Chakra Dharana drawing by Paul